Workplace Safety

Dog Bite Prevention Tips: Causes & What You Can Do To Prevent Dog Bites?

Dog bites pose a serious health risk to our communities and society. According to the U.S., more than 800,000 people in the country receive medical attention for dog bites each year, or more than 4.5 million people. The CDC (Centers for Disease Control). The majority of those who have been bit are children. Here are more dog bite facts:

  • Almost one in five dog bite victims need to go to the hospital.
  • The majority of dog bite victims are children, and they are much more likely to sustain serious injuries.
  • Young children are frequently bitten by dogs while engaging in routine activities or interacting with friendly dogs.

Any dog can bite, regardless of size, gender, age, or gender. Even the sweetest, cuddliest, and fluffiest pet can bite if threatened. Please keep in mind that a dog’s history and behavior, not its breed, determine whether or not it will bite.

The majority of dog bites can be avoided, and there are many things you can do at home and in your neighborhood to do so.

Please continue reading the post after this one to see more details.

Why Do Dogs Bite?

Dogs can bite for a number of reasons, but they typically do so in response to something. The dog may bite to protect itself or its territory if it encounters a stressful situation. Dogs may bite if they are frightened or startled. They feel threatened, which makes them capable of biting. When something is valuable to them, such as their puppies, food, or a toy, they may bite to protect it.

When dogs aren’t feeling well, they may bite. They might want to be left alone if they are ill or sore from an injury or illness. During play, dogs may also nip and bite. Although nipping during play may be entertaining for the dog, it can be risky for humans. Avoiding tug-of-war or wrestling matches with your dog is a good idea. These kinds of activities may cause your dog to become overexcited and nip or bite you.

What You Can Do To Prevent Dog Bites

You must assume responsibility for training your dog and maintaining control over it at all times if you own a dog. You are in charge of regulating your dog’s behavior and serving as the first line of defense against dog bites. It’s important that you do whatever you can to keep others safe and keep your dog from biting:

  • To reinforce the lessons you’ve taught your dog, put it through at least some basic training and keep up the training regimen throughout its lifetime.
  • Allow your dog to meet and interact with a variety of people, including children, people with disabilities, and people of all ages, in calm, encouraging settings.
  • Regularly expose your dog to a range of stimuli, including other dogs, loud noises, big machines, bicycles, and other things that might make them nervous. Start this training as early as you can with your dog, and make sure that all of the experiences are positive.
  • Recognize when your dog may be displaying signs of aggression by paying close attention to him. It might be necessary to evict your dog before things spiral out of control if you are unable to control the circumstance or your dog’s behavior.
  • Never punish your dog physically, violently, or aggressively. Instead of using aversives like shock collars and loud noises to correct undesirable behavior, choose positive reinforcement like praise and treats. Dogs want to please their owners, so rewarding them consistently for good behavior is much more effective.
  • Your dog should always be kept in a fenced area or on a leash. Before letting your dog off the leash in areas where this is permitted, get to know it well. Always keep your dog in sight.
  • Always warn others if you know or have reason to believe that your dog is fearful or aggressive. Allowing your dog to approach people or other animals should only happen under very strict control. If necessary, employ a muzzle.
  • Maintain your dog’s vaccinations, especially the rabies shot, and schedule routine checkups with your veterinarian.
Dog Bite Prevention Tips Causes & What To Do
Dog Bite Prevention Tips: Causes & What To Do?

Tips For Dog Bite Prevention

Always Ask, “may I Pet Your Dog?”

Some dogs may perceive children as being frightening because they have never met one, don’t live with one, or are just getting to know them.

Slowly Present The Back Of Your Hand First For The Dog To Smell

Never pet a dog by reaching right over the top of their head or muzzle before putting out your hand and getting the animal’s approval.

Do Not Run Toward A Dog

Children should be taught how to approach dogs because they frequently approach them without any hesitation. While I am relieved to see love rather than fear in their eyes, this behavior needs to stop.

Never Bark Or Growl At A Dog

That is making fun of the dog, whether it is alone, in a crate, or with a person.

All Dogs Can Bite Because All Dogs Have Teeth

People should become adept at interpreting a dog’s body language, respect a dog’s personal space, and always keep an eye on both children and dogs.

Never Leave Young Children And Dogs Unattended

You shouldn’t assume a dog is “safe” and “won’t bite” ever.’ Since the relationship can change over time, it is crucial to keep an eye on it.

Teach Proper Manners Around The Dog For Everyone In The Family

No matter how well-behaved your dog is, never let a child ride or sit on him. Never yank his tail or ears. Never disturb him while he is eating or sleeping; after all, would you want someone fiddling with your food while you were eating?

Stand Like A Tree’ Around Loose Dogs

Children must also know to tell an adult if they see a loose dog or someone hurting a dog so that they can report these incidents.

Service Dogs Are Working And Should Not Be Bothered

You must always ask permission before petting a service dog because they need to keep their focus on their owners.

A Dog Is Not A Person

When cornered, threatened, or scared, a dog may bite. In order to be able to predict how a dog is feeling, we must respect these facts and become as familiar with their various facial expressions as we can.

See more about Is TruGreen Safe For Dogs?

Treatment For Dog Bites

If a dog bites your child, follow these steps:

  • Ask the dog’s owner for proof of rabies vaccination, get the owner’s name and contact information, and request the name and contact information of a veterinarian who is familiar with the dog’s vaccination history and records.
  • Soap and water should be used right away to clean the wound.
  • Because the bite might need antibiotics, a tetanus shot, or a rabies shot, call your pediatrician right away. Your local police department can receive a report about the incident thanks to the doctor.
  • Make a 9-1-1 call or take your child to an emergency room if they have been severely bit.
  • Be prepared to inform the emergency room doctor about your child’s tetanus vaccination status, the dog’s vaccination status (or provide the dog’s veterinarian’s contact information), the dog’s owner, and whether you are aware of any prior dog bites.
  • To ensure proper healing, adhere to your pediatrician’s recommendations.

What Does Safe Dog Interaction mean?

It’s simple to get excited when you see a dog because they are adorable and frequently obliging. However, a dog has a quick turn-on mechanism when it comes to strangers.

Even if you don’t own a dog of your own, it’s still important that you and the other people in your life, especially kids, understand how to behave around dogs and when to approach one.

  • Never attempt to approach or pet a dog you don’t know without first getting the owner’s permission. If the dog’s owner isn’t there, stay away from the animal.
  • If a dog is eating, sleeping, or tending to puppies, stay away from them. In these circumstances, dogs are more likely to be protective and easily startled.
  • Avoid approaching, touching, or attempting to move a dog that is hurt. Contact animal control or a veterinarian instead if you need help.
  • For any reason, never leave a baby or a young child alone with a dog.
  • Allow the dog to approach you when you first meet a dog. Squat or angle yourself to one side. Before you pet it, let it sniff your hand first.
  • Don’t put your face near an unknown dog; this includes “hugs and kisses.”
  • Keep still and avoid making eye contact if a dog has you cornered. When the dog stops looking at you, slowly back away. Never run or scream.
  • Fall to your side in the fetal position and cover your head and face if a dog knocks you over. Keep a firm, tranquil posture.

If Your Dog Bites Someone

In the event that your dog bites someone, you must act quickly. Confine the dog first, then help the victim right away. The bite should be thoroughly cleaned with soap and warm water, if possible, before the victim seeks immediate medical attention.

Final Words

Whether or not they have a dog at home, it is important for everyone, especially kids, to learn how to be safe around dogs. We advise teaching kids the right way to treat dogs, how to approach a dog, and what to do when they see a loose dog in order to make interactions between kids and dogs pleasant for all parties.

Thank you for reading.